Hi, I’m Tytianna*! 👋

I’m a User Experience (UX) Designer passionate about accessibility, impactful work, and using Figma for everything. 🐝

*Like Tatiana; (TAH)-tee-ah-nuh

cartoon image of Tytianna Horn


SYTT Mockup

Supporting Survivors with Speak Your Truth Today 💟

Speak Your Truth Today (SYTT) is a non-profit that supports and aids domestic violence survivors. SYTT envisions a world where everyone impacted by domestic violence is supported by a safe and accessible community to experience holistic healing.

Disclaimer: This project mentions domestic violence. While the language and information presented contain no graphic content or verbiage, please use your discernment in viewing this project.

Self Checkout System Mockup

Redesigning ECR Software’s Self-Checkout System 🧾

As the sole UX Designer at ECRS, one project was redesigning our self-checkout POS system interface. We wanted a more modern design and improved usability to meet the needs of our customers and guests.